
1、节制。食不过饱,饮不过量。TEMPERANCE.Eat not to dullness;drink not to elevation.

2、沉默。不说对人对己毫无益处的话,不参与闲谈。SILENCE.Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself;avoid trifling conversation.

3、有序。一切物品都应规整有序,每件事情都应该安排时间完成。ORDER.Let all your things have their places;let each part of your business have its time.

4、意志坚定。下决心去完成该做的事,下决心之后就定要完成。RESOLUTION.Resolve to perform what you ought;perform without fail what you resolve.

5、节俭。所费钱财必须于人或于己有利,不浪费一分一厘。FRUGALITY.Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself;i.e,waste nothing.

6、勤奋。不浪费时间,每一分钟都做有用的事,摒弃一切不必要的行为。INDUSTRY.Lose no time;be always employ`d in something useful;cut off all unnecessary actions.

7、真诚。不欺骗伤害他人,思想要纯洁公正,说话要实事求是。SINCERITY.Use no hurtful deceit;think innocently and justly,and,if you speak ,speak accordingly.

8、正直。不冤枉伤害他人,不忽略自己能造福他人的责任。JUSTICE.Wrong none by doing injuries,or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

9、中庸。避免趋于极端。如果受到应得伤害,不要恼怒。MODERATION.Avoid extreams;forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

10、清洁。保持身体、衣服和住所始终干净整洁。CLEANLINESS.Tolerate no uncleanliness in body,cloaths,or habitation.

11、平静。不受琐事及普通或难以避免的事故纷扰。TRANQUILLITY.Be not disturbed at trifles,or at accidents common or unavoidable.

12、贞洁。少行房事,除非为了健康或生养后代起见,以免使大脑迟钝,使身体虚弱,或是破坏自己或他人的安宁和名声。CHASTITY.Rarely use venery but for health or offspring,never to dulness,weakness,or the injury of your own or another`s peace or reputation.

13、谦逊。效仿基督和苏格拉底。HUMILITY.Imitate Jesus and Socrates.


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